Fort speelwijck

Title :
Fort speelwijck

Abstract :
exploring of fort speelwijck

Target audience :
15-21 years old

The goal of this application is to allow user to experience how the looks of fort Speelwijk was in late 1700.
Because the fort speelwijck is desolate, this virtual application is created.
This virtual application allow user to see and explore how the fort Speelwijck was in late 1700. User will be able to interact with some of the pictures or the object inside the application and know what is the history behind it.

fort speelwijck was originally a castle owned by the Sultanate of Banten, which was made in the reign of Sultan Abu Nasr Abdul Qohhar Banten, According to the story, in 1685 the Sultanate of Banten troops invaded the Netherlands andthe Dutch finally had control of Banten.

The design architecture of the castle is a Dutch convert to Islam and became a member of the sultanate called Hendrick Lucaszoon Cardeel. The name itself is used Speelwijksupposedly in honor of a Governor General of the Netherlands named Speelma.
On the East side of Fort Speelwijk cross Cibanten river, previously there is a withdrawal tax for a ships that will enter to banten called port of banten, but that place is already gone within the time.The river had already subsided and shallow. Previously unimaginable ships from various countriesacross the hill toward the river port of Banten to a variety of commodity trading transactions originBanten and surrounding areas for sale in other port cities
it's hard to believe that banten was a gateway that connects the different region of indonesia with the world.
there are several tombs that listed that the person was coming from the Europe in the eas side of fort speelwijk. This Tombs is predicted as belonging to a Dutch nobleman and soldier were killed inthe war against Laskar Sultanate of Banten. Typical European architecture that make this areamore unique and thrilling. Interestingly, there is a grave with a headstone bearing the number 1769.

Speelwijk fort was built to control all activities related to the Sultanate of Banten and also as a place of shelter / living for the Dutch community. As described in an article, that in this fortresscommander used to have houses, churches, gun room,administrative offices, shops of the Company, and chambers of commerce. But is not left at all that greatness. In addition, there is the basement that may be used as a special detention rooms andordinary prisoners.
On the northern wall, still stands a bastion. Bastion is a part of the wall used as a surveillance anddefense.Space in this bastion enough for a soldier who was certainly not have a big body. In thebastion walls are triangular-shaped holes which I imagined had to peek around the wall situation,and also to remove the muzzle of a rifle when the fort was attacked by Laskar Sultanate of Banten.
What remains today of the Castle ruins remaining Speelwijk simply a triumph of the Netherlandsand its power in that province. and Cibanten River is now just like a small river that is shallow andthe water receded.

a brief history about speelwijk :

indonesian :

english :

a brief history about Banten:

Objectives :
- To immerse user through visual and audio effects inside the fort.
- To understand the history of fort speelwijk
- To understand what is fort speelwijk used for
- To allow user to know how the fort speelwijk looks like in the late 1700
- To teach people about preserving the historical places.

Description :
On the starting page, user start VR application, then there will be a brief introduction of the application and also a list of instruction on how the user can navigate and interact with the object within the application.
then you start the application, and starting from the gate of fort speelwijk, from there user can walk into the fort and start exploring the fort. all the environment inside the application is mimicking the old fort Speelwijck looks like, with all the things inside it.

interaction description
- user will be able to navigate the world through arrow keys, or W,S,A,D button on the keyboard
- user can see an interactive map and their present location
- when user walks to a certain place, there will be a voice narration/text message about that place
- when user click a clickable object, then an information about the object will shown to the user, whether it is a video, image, or a story.
- user can tell whether the object is clickable or not.

benchmark & images

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